
 “We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.” ~~ Author Unknown


Now gently gliding, they appear before me,

rising vast and swirling, soon taking flight,

creating enchantment, revealing mysteries

and myriad other points of light….

A billion stars, God’s tiniest prisms,

refracted wonders in my mind’s eye …

with a billion more bright future visions

and splendid pathways creating sighs.

From where now comes this newfound clarity,

this sense of wonderment, unbridled glee

and inspiration, now flowing freely

that yesterday was rarity?

Whose hand cast hope-filled tiny moments,

accompanied by angel docents ?

Who brushed and painted

these diamond starscapes

and sent them skyward just for me?

Original art courtesy of Josephine Wall:

This entry was posted in Blessings, Encouragement, Gratitude, Happiness, Hope, Poetry, Stars and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Starscapes

  1. Jarryd says:

    Your poetry is wonderful, Candice. It’s like a time travel paradox; You’re writing about (in my interpretation) your new-found inspiration to write, which caused you to write this poem about what caused you to write this poem. I’m having trouble keeping it straight in my head ;). In all seriousness, though, “Starscapes” is wonderful and inspiring.

    • cwc6161 says:

      Thanks so much, Jarryd 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed “Starscapes.” And … you’re absolutely right in your interpretation that I wrote this poem about what caused me to write this poem ! lol… It has been a long time since I wrote a poem in English, so this was my test balloon, so to speak !

  2. Such eloquent imagery takes my breath away and reminds me to notice the beauty which surrounds me. It reminds me of an anonymous quote which I keep on my desk: “We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.”

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